Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homemade Eggs Benedict

For my maiden post, I start with something simple but universally delicious.

It's definitely easy to make and ideal for a Sunday Morning Breakfast!
2 Eggs
2 Slices of Bread
5 Slices of Cheese
1/2 a Cup of Milk 
2 Slices of Ham
French Fries (Optional)


  1. Making the Cheese Sauce: Melt 5 slices of cheese in a saucepan while stirring in milk until you have a smooth liquid texture without any lumps.
  2. Using a frying pan, fry the eggs sunny side up allowing the yolk to remain a bit runny. (Remember not to flip it over.)
  3. Toast the Bread (apply some butter, if needed.) Place a slice of ham on each toast. Place each fried egg on top of the ham.
  4. Pour cheese sauce on top of each preparation while still HOT. Watch the cheese melt over the toast and serve with a side of French Fries.
  5. Cut in to the EGGS BENEDICT and Enjoy!!!!

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